NEW Nerf Elite Stryfe Mission Kit


Quite interesting, but I don`t see any sense in putting the Stockade stock along with the Retaliator barrel in this package...
The barrel don`t fits very well to the connector of the Stryfe and on a clip-blaster there`s imho no use for the dartholders of the stock !

Ans also you can buy a Stryfe and a Retaliator for almost the same price :confused:


Auf Blasted zuhause
Ok its named cs-18 you're right. Just by looking at the picture it seemed to be to short for a big clip. Just missed that it is continued beyond the stamped cardboard.


Angehender Modder
Dass ausgerechnet der Retaliator Lauf im Kit integriert ist kann ich gar nicht nachvollziehen. Auf meiner O-Stryfe wackelt der doch ganz fürchterlich.

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