NEW Nerf Elite Stryfe Mission Kit


Quite interesting, but I don`t see any sense in putting the Stockade stock along with the Retaliator barrel in this package...
The barrel don`t fits very well to the connector of the Stryfe and on a clip-blaster there`s imho no use for the dartholders of the stock !

Ans also you can buy a Stryfe and a Retaliator for almost the same price :confused:


Auf Blasted zuhause
Ok its named cs-18 you're right. Just by looking at the picture it seemed to be to short for a big clip. Just missed that it is continued beyond the stamped cardboard.


noch neu dabei
Dass ausgerechnet der Retaliator Lauf im Kit integriert ist kann ich gar nicht nachvollziehen. Auf meiner O-Stryfe wackelt der doch ganz fürchterlich.

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